
Esthetic Dentistry

Esthetic Dentistry

With the advancing technological approaches, dentistry has started to be mentioned more and more with aesthetic applications. A very large part of the personal image consists of the face and therefore the appearance of the teeth, gums and lips and their harmony with each other.

A beautiful smile is the key to a person's relationship with herself and her surroundings.

With smile esthetic applications, the aesthetics of the person can be brought to the highest level. Smile esthetics includes many different treatment methods.

However, the easiest and fastest applications are as follows:

  • Bleaching
  • Arranging the gum level (gingivectomy, gingivoplasty)
  • Arranging the length, shape and placement of teeth with porcelain or composite laminates
  • Intervention on the lips with Botox applications or surgical interventions (lip repositioning)
  • Zirconium coatings.

Apart from these, other methods used in aesthetic dentistry include:
  • Orthodontics
  • Implant applications
  • Gum treatments